The Windermere Edmonton real estate average sale price per square foot is much less volatile than what it was a couple years ago. Windermere is now selling very close to the Edmonton average selling price per square foot. Most of the volatility in the Windermere market was due to a smaller number of homes selling back in 2009 and 2010. Now that there is a larger sample size, a truer average sale price per square foot has started to materialize. The Windermere area does command a high average sale price of $641,354 so far in 2012. That is much higher than the Edmonton average sale price for a single family detached home of $398,061. Most new areas struggle to sell as high as the Edmonton average sale price per square foot. That is mainly due to the fact that in newer neighbourhoods a higher percentage of 2 story style homes are built, these homes are also larger on average and as a result they sell for less per square foot. That pattern of lower sale price per square foot is not happening in Windermere. The Windermere area continues to be strong and the new Currents shopping complex, Cineplex and steel and concrete condos being built in the area bodes well for Windermere's prices.
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