Visit Garneau condos for sale for the current listings of low rise and high rise apartment style condos as well as houses in the high demand University of Alberta area of Garneau. So far in 2017, the average selling price for a low rise condo in Garneau is $330,856. Comparing that to last year, in 2016, the average selling price for a low rise condo in Garneau was only $285,912. In 2017, the average time it takes to sell a condo in Garneau Edmonton (low rise) has been 42 days. For high rise apartment condos in Garneau, the average selling price for 2017 is $280,000. The condo complexes that have had units sell in them over the last 12 months in Garneau include: The Andross, Avenue Condos, Caledon, Campus Court, Chelsea, Claridge House, Electus, Garneau Court, Garneau Lofts, Garneau Gates, The Garneau, Garneau Place, Garneau Manor, Garneau Mews, Garneau Trendz, Hampton Village, High Level Crossing, Manhattan Lofts on Saskatchewan Drive, Mountain Ash Manor, Newport Court, Neuve Properties on Whyte, Riverwind, Rutherford Place, The Rutherford, Sherwood Glen, Strathcona House, Suffolk on Whyte, University Plaza, and Varscona Tower