Search all McConachie homes for sale here. The average sale price for a home in McConachie last year was $449,058. That selling price value is based on a single family detached home sold in the neighbourhood. The average time to sell a home in McConachie in 2013 was 63 days. That is slower than the Edmonton average days on market last year of 44 days. The highest selling price for a home in McConachie last year was $578,000. The most affordable home in the neighbourhood sold for $353,900 in 2013. So far in 2014, the average sale price for a single family detached home in McConachie has been $437,000, although that is based on only a couple sales. Looking at just the last 90 days of sales, the average sale price for a house in McConachie has been $459,200. The average time to sell a home in these last 90 days has been 77 days.
In the duplex market, the average sale price in 2013 in the neighbourhood was $332,983, and the average time to sell a duplex last year was 33 days. Condos sold for $351,616 on average last year in McConachie. The average time to sell a condo was 45 days. The highest selling price for a condo was $391,000 in McConachie in 2013. The only condo complex that had a unit sell in them last year was in McConachie Gates.