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Jason Thomas BCom
Royal Lepage Summit Realty
2611 Ellwood Dr S.W., Edmonton, Alberta
P: 780.499.5696
F: 780.431.1600

Edmonton Homes for Sale

1 - 21 of 21

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - Chappelle Homes for Sale

Chappelle Homes for Sale Visit Chappelle homes for sale to see all the active listings of houses, condos and duplexes in this southwest Edmonton neighbourhood. Year to date in 2015, the average selling price for a home in Chappelle has reached $478,854, this is just off where Chappelle finished 2014 which was $481,906.  The average time it is taking to sell a house in Chappelle this year has been 69 days.  This is longer than the Edmonton average days on market of 43 days.  The highest selling ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 30 Sep 2015 20:05:58 +0000

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - Hollick Kenyon Homes for Sale

Hollick Kenyon Homes for Sale Visit Hollick Kenyon Homes for sale for all the listings of properties in this northeast neighbourhood of Edmonton.  So far in 2015, the average selling price for a house in Hollick Kenyon has been $417,262.  This is lower than where Hollick Kenyon finished 2014 at.  In 2014, the average sale price was $424,015.  The highest price that a home has sold for in Hollick Kenyon this year has been $665,000.  On average, it is taking 45 days this year to sell a home in ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 30 Sep 2015 18:11:17 +0000

Friday, September 25, 2015 - Kiniski Gardens Homes for Sale

Kiniski Gardens Homes for Sale Visit Kiniski Gardens homes for sale for all the active listings of properties in this southeast neighbourhood of Mill Woods. The average selling price for a home in Kiniski Gardens has moved up to $342,133.  That is higher than what Kiniski Gardens was selling for in 2014, the neighbourhood finished the year selling for $333,751.  The highest price that a home sold for in Kiniski Gardens this year has been $650,000, and the average time to sell a home in Kiniski ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Fri, 25 Sep 2015 19:09:07 +0000

Thursday, September 24, 2015 - Ritchie Homes for Sale

Ritchie Homes for Sale Click on Ritchie homes for sale for all the real estate listings in this Mill Creek Ravine area neighbourhood.  So far in 2015, the average selling price for a single family home in Ritchie has been $471,435.  That selling price is substanitally up from 2014, at the end of that year, Ritchie had an average sold price of $424,119.  Ritchie is another of the Mill Creek ravine neighbourhoods that have seen rapid price appreciation due to infill homes being built.  That ...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Thu, 24 Sep 2015 19:23:41 +0000

Thursday, September 24, 2015 - King Edward Park Homes for Sale

King Edward Park Homes for Sale Visit King Edward Park homes for sale for the currently listed properties in this Mill Creek Ravine area neighbourhood just south of Whyte Avenue.  In 2015, the average selling price for single family home in King Edward Park has reached $441,191.  This is up roughly $20,000 from where King Edward Park finished 2014, at that time King Eddy was selling for $421,869.  The average sale price in King Edward Park continues to rise due to the increasing nature of ...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Thu, 24 Sep 2015 19:11:36 +0000

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 - Wild Rose Edmonton Homes for Sale

Wild Rose Edmonton Homes for Sale Visit Wild Rose homes for sale for all properties listed in this southeast Edmonton neighbourhood.  So far in 2015, the average selling price for a single family detached house in Wild Rose has managed to only average $410,998.  That is lower than 2014, in that year Wild Rose was selling for more and averaged $429,141.  The average time it takes to sell a home in Wild Rose in 2015 has been 43 days.  That is the same as the Edmonton average days on market.  The ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 23 Sep 2015 20:35:46 +0000

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 - Charlesworth Homes for Sale

Charlesworth Homes for Sale Visit Charlesworth homes for sale for the currently listed properties in this south side Edmonton neighbourhood bordered by the Anthony Henday freeway.   The average selling price for a home in Charlesworth has moved higher in 2015.  Year to date, the average sale price for a single family home is $450,679.  That is up from 2014, at that time Charlesworth had an average sold price of $437,480.  On average, it takes 33 days to sell a home in Charlesworth in 2015.  ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 23 Sep 2015 19:35:36 +0000

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 - Queen Mary Park Homes for Sale

Queen Mary Park Homes for Sale Visit Queen Mary Park homes for sale for all the houses and condos currently for sale in this central Edmonton neighbourhood.  So far in 2015, the average selling price for a single family detached house in Queen Mary Park is $368,772.  At the end of 2014, Queen Mary Park was selling for $361,659 on average.  The average time it takes to sell a house in Queen Mary Park this year has been only 16 days.  That is much faster than the Edmonton average days on market ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 23 Sep 2015 18:12:33 +0000

Monday, September 21, 2015 - Walker Lakes / Aurora Homes for Sale

Walker Lakes / Aurora homes for sale Visit Walker Homes for sale for all the houses, duplexes and condos listed for sale in this southeast Edmonton neighbourhood also known as Aurora and Walker Lakes.  So far in 2015, the average selling price for a single family home in Walker has reached $480,498, this is up from the end of last year when Walker was averaging $461,730.  The average days on market for a home to sell in Walker in 2015 has been 50 days.  That is one week slower than the Edmonton ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Mon, 21 Sep 2015 20:15:03 +0000

Monday, September 21, 2015 - Cumberland / Skyview Homes for Sale

Cumberland / Skyview Homes for Sale Visit Cumberland homes for sale for all the current listings of homes, condos and duplexes for sale in this northwest Edmonton neighbourhood also known as Skyview. So far in 2015, the average selling price for a Cumberland home has been $388,886.  The amount of time it takes to sell a Cumberland single family detached home in 2015 has been 35 days.  In the Cumberland condo market, the average sale price year to date $231,714 with an average days on market to ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Mon, 21 Sep 2015 19:53:32 +0000

Thursday, September 17, 2015 - MacEwan Homes for Sale

Macewan Homes for Sale Click on Macewan homes for sale for condos, single family and duplex properties listed for sale in this south side Edmonton neighbourhood bordered by Ellerslie Road and 111 street.  The average selling price for a single family home in Macewan this year is sitting at $442,225.  This is up from 2014, at that time Macewan was selling for $431,400 on average.  It is taking 37 days to sell a home in Macewan year to date.  In the upper end market, the highest selling price ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Thu, 17 Sep 2015 19:17:26 +0000

Thursday, September 17, 2015 - Alberta Avenue Norwood Homes for Sale

Alberta Avenue Norwood Homes for Sale Visit Alberta Avenue homes for sale for all properties listed for sale in this central Edmonton neighbourhood also known as Norwood.  Year to date in 2015, Alberta Avenue single family detached houses have an average selling price of $255,367.  This is up from where Alberta Avenue finished 2014, at that time the average sold price was $238,261.  The highest selling price a home has sold for in Alberta Avenue this year has been $405,000.  Alberta Avenue ...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Thu, 17 Sep 2015 19:04:02 +0000

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - Ellerslie Homes for Sale

Ellerslie Homes for Sale Click Ellerslie homes for sale for all properties for sale including condos, duplexes and single family homes in this southeast Edmonton neighbourhood. In 2015, the average selling price for a home in Ellerslie is currently sitting at $428,883.  That is off 2014's average sold price, but that year had some large acreages that were built in the 1970's, years before the Ellerslie neighbourhood was developed.  Those homes on 1 or 2 acres, ended up bumping the average ...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Tue, 15 Sep 2015 19:37:34 +0000

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - Terwillegar Towne Homes for Sale

Terwillegar Towne homes for sale Visit Terwillegar Towne homes for sale for the properties listed for sale in this southwest Edmonton neighbourhood.  So far in 2015, the average selling price for a single family detached home in Terwillegar Towne has been $449,741.  On average, it takes 37 days to sell a home in Terwillegar Towne this year.  The highest selling price for a home in the area was $747,500 this year.  In the Terwillegar duplex / attached housing market, the average sold price has ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Tue, 15 Sep 2015 18:55:30 +0000

Thursday, September 10, 2015 - Carlton Homes for Sale

Carlton Homes for Sale Visit Carlton homes for sale for the currently listed houses, condos and duplexes in this northwest Edmonton neighbourhood. Year to date, the average selling price for a single family detached home in Carlton is now $479,454, which is higher than the average at the end of 2014 in Carlton of $473,025.  On average, it takes 62 days to sell a home in Carlton.  That is slower than the Edmonton average days on market of 42 days in 2015. The highest selling price recorded in ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Thu, 10 Sep 2015 17:29:27 +0000

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - McConachie Homes for Sale

McConachie Homes for Sale Click McConachie homes for sale for houses, condos and duplexes listed for sale in this northeast Edmonton neighbourhood. So far in 2015, the average selling price for a home in McConachie is $458,166.  That is lower than where McConachie finished 2014, last year the average sale price was $467,898.  In McConachie, the average time it takes to sell a home this year has been 74 days.  The highest price that a home sold for in McConachie this year has been $585,000.  At ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 09 Sep 2015 20:29:49 +0000

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - Ambleside Homes for Sale

Ambleside Homes for Sale Visit Ambleside homes for sale for the current listings of houses, duplexes and condos in this popular southwest Edmonton neighbourhood.  The average selling price for a home in Ambleside this year is currently $528,399.  That is off the 2014 pace where Ambleside had an average sold price of $545,583.  The average time to sell a home in Ambleside in 2015 has been 51 days.  That is slower than the Edmonton average days on market this year of 43 days.The highest price ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 09 Sep 2015 20:13:43 +0000

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - Garneau Condos for Sale

Garneau Condos For Sale Visit Garneau condos for sale for the current listings of low rise and high rise apartment style condos as well as houses  in the University of Alberta area of Garneau.  In 2015, the average selling price for a low rise condo in Garneau is now $312,977, which is about the same as where we finished last year in Garneau.  In 2014, the average sold price for a low rise condo was $314,264.  For high rise apartment condos in Garneau, the average selling price for 2015 is ...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Tue, 08 Sep 2015 22:25:03 +0000

Friday, September 4, 2015 - Silver Berry Homes for Sale

Silver Berry Homes for Sale Visit Silver Berry Homes for sale to see houses, condos and duplexes listed for sale in the Silver Berry Edmonton real estate market.  The average selling price for a house in Silver Berry has moved up to $418,470.  That is a strong bump higher from the end of 2014 when Silver Berry had an average sale price of $386,727.  In the duplex market segment of Silver Berry, the average sold price for a duplex year to date is $322,778.  The average time to sell a Silver ...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Fri, 04 Sep 2015 21:54:29 +0000

Thursday, September 3, 2015 - Westmount Edmonton Homes for Sale

Westmount Edmonton Homes for Sale Visit Westmount homes for sale for the currently listed properties for sale in this west side of downtown Edmonton neighbourhood. The average selling price for single family home in Westmount has increased to $539,654 this year.  That is a jump up from $489,239 at the end of 2014.  The time it takes to sell a home in Westmount this year is currently 36 days.  That is faster than the Edmonton average days on market in 2015 of 42 days.  The highest price that a ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Thu, 03 Sep 2015 21:05:22 +0000

Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - Strathcona Edmonton Homes for Sale

Strathcona Edmonton Homes for Sale Visit Strathcona homes for sale for the currently listed properties for sale in this classic south central neighbourhood of Edmonton.  So far in 2015, the average selling price for a single family detached home in Strathcona Edmonton has risen to $626,781.  That is a strong jump from the end of 2014 where the Strathcona neighbourhood was selling for $560,285.  On average, it takes 47 days to sell a home in Strathcona year to date.  For comparison, the Edmonton ... Full Article...

posted in Edmonton Real Estate Market Reports by Neighbourhood at Wed, 02 Sep 2015 21:04:59 +0000

1 - 21 of 21



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Data last Updated: 2025-03-03 at 23:06:56 GMT America/Edmonton
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