Visit here for all Orchards at Ellerslie homes for sale. The average sale price for a home in the Orchards at Ellerslie last year was $435,576. That sales value is based on a single family detached home sold in the neighbourhood, condos and duplexes were not included in that average sales price. The highest sale price for a home last year was $582,000. The most affordable home in the Orchards sold for $314,100. The average time to sell a home in 2013 was 60 days. That is slower than the Edmonton average days on market last year of 44 days. In the last 90 days, the average selling price for a home in the Orchards at Ellerslie was $452,173, and the average time to sell in these last 90 days was 83 days. The Orchards at Ellerslie property values have appreciated by 26% since 2011. The Orchards is a new area, and 2011 is the first year that there were sales recorded on the MLS system.
In the duplex market in the Orchards, the average sale price in 2013 for a duplex was $325,682. The average time to sell a duplex last year was 113 days. The highest selling price for a duplex in 2013 reached $338,619, and the most affordable duplex sold for 311,870.