Visit Breckenridge Greens homes for sale for all listings in this Lewis Estates area neighbourhood of Edmonton. The average sale price for a home in Breckenridge Greens year to date in 2014 is $371,000. That is lower than last years average selling price in this Lewis Estates neighbourhood, the area was averaging $406,568 in 2013. However, the 2014 average sold price is based on only one home sale and it was a smaller home in the neighbourhood. Therefore, I do expect the average sale price to bounce dramatically higher in Breckenridge as we move further into 2014. The highest selling price for a home in Breckenridge Greens in 2013 was $492,000, and at the other end of the price range, the most affordable home sold for $347,000 last year. The average time it took to sell a home in Breckenridge Greens last year was 37 days. That is a week faster than the Edmonton average days on market in 2013.
Moving over to the condo market, the average selling price for a condo in Breckenridge in 2013 was $252,590. The highest sale price for a condo last year in the neighbourhood was $437,000, and the average time it took to sell a condo was 43 days. The condo complexes that had units sell in them last year include: Grande Lewis Estates, Village Green at Lewis Estates and Villas at Breckenridge.