Visit here for Garneau University area homes for sale to see all active listings in this south central Edmonton neighbourhood. The average sale price for a home in Garneau in 2014 so far has been $465,310. This is based on a single family detached home sold in the neighbourhood, condos and duplexes were not included in the average. The 2014 average sale price in Garneau is lower than the 2013 average of $490,217. The homes sold in 2014 were smaller by about 300 square feet on average than the 2013 home sales in the neighbourhood. The highest price that a home has sold for in Garneau year to date has been $525,000, in 2013, the highest sale price was $720,000. Since 2005, the property values in Garneau have appreciated by 51%.
In the condo market in Garneau, the average sale price in 2013 was $309,048 with an average time to sell a condo of 60 days. In 2014, the condo average selling price in Garneau has moved up to $356,164. The average time to sell a condo in Garneau has also improved to 58 days. The condo complexes that had units sell in them over the last two years include: The Andross, Campus Court, Claridge House, Electus, Faculty Court, Garneau Gates, Garneau Lofts, Garneau Manor, Garneau Mews, Garneau Place, The Garneau, Garneau Trendz, Hampton Village, High Level Crossing, Hycourt, Manhattan Lofts, Mountain Ash Manor, Newport Court, Norfolk on Whyte, the Nueve, Properties on Whyte, Riverwind, Rutherford Place, The Rutherford, Sherwood Glen, Strathcona House, the Suro, University Place, University Plaza and Varscona Tower.