There were 4 homes sold in the last 90 days in the Highlands. The highest sale price for a single family detached home in the Highlands in this time period was $778,000. The days on market average was higher in the Highlands than in the rest of Edmonton. Not too surprising considering the higher average sale price (and therefore smaller pool of buyers) that exists in the Highlands area.
In the last 12 months the highest sale price in the Highlands was $778,000 (and that sale occured in the last 90 days). The fastest sale in the Highlands was 2 days. The number of homes sold in the Highlands in the past 12 months was 49. So, the last 90 days saw a much lower number of homes sell in the Highlands than the what the annual pace was. For more detailed information on the Highlands real estate market, please don't hesitate to contact me.