Glenora had 8 single family detached homes sell in the last 90 days. The sales price per square foot in Glenora was $351/sq ft in that time period. The highest sale price in Glenora in the last 90 days was $1,800,000. The average sale price is substantially higher in Glenora than in the rest of Edmonton, close to double actually. The low average sold to list price ratio is a little misleading. If you take the extreme values out and look at the median sold to list price ratio it rises to 96.8% in Glenora. This isn't surprising as higher priced homes do tend to sell for a lower percentage to list price.
In the last 12 months there were 51 single family detached homes sold in Glenora. The highest sale price in Glenora was $1,800,000 (occured in the last 90 days). The fastest sale was 6 days in Glenora in the last 12 months. For more detailed information on the Glenora real estate market, please don't hesitate to contact me.